Breaking: SolarWorld insolvent

In seguito il comunicato ufficiale di SolarWorld AG, l'azienda Tedesca fra i piu grandi produttori di moduli fotovoltaici, ha annunciato il 10 maggio 2017 che è "over-indebted" e presenterà immediatamente domanda di insolvenza.


The management board of SolarWorld AG, after having conducted a diligent review, came to the conclusion today that due to the ongoing price erosion and the development of the business, the Company no longer has a positive going concern prognosis, is therefore over-indebted and thus obliged to file for insolvency proceedings. It is currently under evaluation if a respective obligation to file for insolvency proceedings is also given with regard to affiliated companies of SolarWorld AG.

In light of the foregoing, the management board will now immediately file for insolvency proceedings with the competent local court (court of insolvency).

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